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      Grid Aging Oven

      ग्रिड एजिंग ओवन

      उत्पाद विवरण:


      ग्रिड एजिंग ओवन मूल्य और मात्रा

      • टुकड़ा/टुकड़े
      • टुकड़ा/टुकड़े
      • 1

      ग्रिड एजिंग ओवन व्यापार सूचना

      • 10 प्रति महीने
      • 1-2 हफ़्ता

      उत्पाद वर्णन

      Grid Aging Oven

      Grid Aging Ovens are designed for Battery manufacturing companies. These are specially designed ovens for strengthening and Hardening Grids of battery plate. Grids are the support structure for the active material. So, before any grid can be pasted, it must be hard enough to withstand the stresses of the pasting operations. Hardening of grids is achieved most commonly by stacking the cast grids on pallets or Skids for specific time with heat in controlled temperature heating chambers. At 150°C (302°F) the grids can be aged in less than 24 hours. The shorter aging time reduces manufacturer inventory of grids in process.

      Technical Specification



      Temperature Range

      Ambient to 200 °C




      As per Requirement- Custom Built


      MS or GI Sheets with Powder Coated


      Stainless Steel- As per request

      Airflow Type

      Horizontal Airflow or Combination Airflow

      Heating Source

      Electrical Heater or LPG/CNG Fired Burner


      Drying, Pre-Heating, Baking, Stress Relieving, Annealing

      Product Features

      • Controls- Programmable Logic Controller
      • Controls- Programmable Logic Controller
      • Display- Advanced HMI With Touch Screen Display
      • Available in all heat types
      • Top Mounted High volume recirculation blowers or fans to conserve valuable floor space at your facility
      • PUF insulated Wall and Door for Low temperature
      • Glass Wool Insulated walls for High Temperature Application
      • Heat Exchanger System for LPG Fired Oven
      • Fully adjusted and factory tested PRIOR to shipment to reduce installation and Start up times
      • Force exhaust Blower
      Tell us about your requirement


      Select Unit

      • 50
      • 100
      • 200
      • 250
      • 500
      • 1000+
      Additional detail
      मोबाइल number


      बैटरी प्लेट ओवन अन्य उत्पाद

      हम “कस्टम बिल्ट एंड इम्पोर्ट सबस्टिट्यूट इंडस्ट्रियल ओवन” के डिजाइन और निर्माण में अग्रणी विशेषज्ञ हैं और कई अन्य...